Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Never Fear

Greetings My Friends;
The other day I was having a conversation with a very close friend. I know this person to be a very loving Christian. I was very surprised when he told me that he was concerned about going to heaven.
I asked him why he had doubt. For whatever reason, he allowed satan to condemn him. He told me that he didn't feel like he was saved. He started talking about some very minor things that he had trouble dealing with, but then came out that he saw a movie about the end times and the rapture. He then started wondering if he would've been taken.
The that was a good place to start. I reminded him about John 10:27 – 29 it says "no man shall shake me out of his hand for I have eternal life"{paraphrase} that made him feel better, but it just fueled the conversation.
There are many people like him I think. They love the Lord with all their heart, so much so, that they start to worry if they love Him enough. First of all, none of us can love Him enough. Thoughts like that are attempts by satan to cause doubt.
This individual earnestly prays for anyone and everyone. I'm sure this is very pleasing to God. The problem with some people is, and that includes my friend, they never feel they have prayed enough for an answer. And this sometimes causes some doubt to enter in.
So here is what I told them, because this was on my heart. Go to your concordance and find a half a dozen uplifting verses dealing with whatever is troubling you. Memorize them, and say them out loud, as often as it takes to engrave them in your heart. Remember the power of words. God did everything by words and faith.
The next thing you should do is go to your private space, and have a parent child conversation with the Lord. Tell Him you would like to love Him as much as He loves you, but you are at the present time doing the best you can. He knows that, He is God.
Prayer should be words from the heart. Some people pray prayers that go on, and on but it really isn't necessary. Personally I think the Lord is disappointed when people beg rather than pray. Jesus did everything with words and he expects us to do the same in His name.
God created everything with just a few words. Do like He did. Make your petition short and sweet. Then just receive an believe right then. After that talk to the Lord as much as you want, but make it a conversation of thanksgiving. Believe you have already received what you pray for, and wait for His perfect timing. Keep in mind the fact that God hears the prayers of those who love Him, always.
Of course don't forget, there are plenty of situations, where you speak to the mountain in Jesus name.
Remember Jesus Loves You
Prayer of Salvation;
Father I repent of all my sins. I believe Jesus suffered, died, and rose again, to forgive all my sins and to make salvation possible. I ask you Jesus to come into my heart to be my personal savior, and to help me live my life according to Your plan.

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