Thursday, January 30, 2014

Let God

Greetings My Friends;
Sometimes people get a little confused when they pray about something that they want. They are not sure what to pray. Should it be something like Lord if it is Your will, or should it be just what you want. We have heard a lot of things about how faith works.
One of the things I have read recently, puts it all in a nutshell. Instead of bringing our problems to God, bring God to our problems. This is what speaking to the mountain is in my own personal opinion. I have read enough from different preachers, to believe that you must speak to your problem and believe.
When Jesus was on this Earth and prayed, He spoke of the result not the problem. I think that's a pretty good example for us. Jesus told the apostles that they will do greater works than He did. I believe that that is exactly what He meant. He wasn't just talking. He told us whatever we ask the father in His name He will do if we believe.
So now we get to the part about prayers. When we pray to the Lord, we go to Him and remind Him of Scriptures, that fit our requests. Other times, we just command the problem in Jesus name and then believe. This would apply in a case such as praying for someone to be healed, or even ourselves to be healed of something. We command whatever it is to leave and to be well in Jesus name, and it is done.
Maybe this is were some of the confusion comes in. We don't know whether we should command the problem in His name, or ask Him to handle it. I think the best answer to that is what that little voice in your heart is telling you.
As I have said in the past, the answers to prayers are not always what we expect. You must remember that because God loves you so much, it is for your own benefit whether it appears that way or not at the time. When we pray, we absolutely have to put everything in His hands. Worrying about it is a sin. Fear is a tool of the devil. Any doubt, fear, worry, or things of that nature, including putting in your own two cents, will delay or block the answer.
Trust in Him, to do what is best for you. Believe with all your heart, and forget about it. Patience is usually required, but remember, no prayer goes unanswered from a sincere heart. So Just Praise the Lord, and know that your answer is on the way.
When Jesus died on the cross, He took care of everything we will ever need in our lives, including salvation. All we have to do is claim it, and His name.

God Bless You And Remember

Jesus Loves You

Prayer of Salvation;
"Oh God in Heaven, I believe with all of my heart that Jesus has been raised from the dead. I receive your Word, and I repent of sin. I renounce the past. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus. I receive my forgiveness. I receive the new birth, cleansed and washed in the Word and in the precious blood of Jesus. Fill me with Your Spirit, in Jesus name. Amen"

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Understanding Jesus Love

Greetings My Friends;
If you are wondering about how to find or understand Jesus love for you, or why you should love Him, it is not all that difficult. Most Bibles have a concordance in the back of the Bible. A concordance lists a subject, and tells you where all of the verses are in the Bible connected with that subject.
The best thing to do, is to take a word in the concordance, and make up your mind, to look up at least one verse every day. When you look up that verse, write it down, say it out loud, then meditate on it for 15 or 20 min.
When you put in words like Jesus, love, God, you will have quite a list of verses to look at. If you make it a regular habit, and meditate on at least one verse a day, you will soon find yourself remembering verses, and a picture will start forming in your mind.
Start to read the Bible, one chapter at a time, and highlight the  verses that kind of strike you. When you finish the chapter, start meditating on those verses. They don't all have to be in one day, just take one or two a day like you did before.
As you are reading the Word, and doing your meditations, you'll find yourself slowly developing a relationship with Jesus. Your faith will be increasing as you read His words and understand what they mean. It seems when you make an honest effort to understand the word, the Holy Spirit comes into the picture, and speaks to your heart.
As you accept Jesus as your Savior, you will find yourself doing and saying things that you never did before. As time  goes on you will also find that your faith has reached the point, where you are so excited, that you want to tell everybody.
This whole approach may seem awful simplistic, but it works if you are sincere. Just get it out of your head that the Bible is hard to understand. Get a good study Bible, and the Holy Spirit will reveal the truth to you, and you will understand.
God Bless You And Remember
Jesus Loves You
Prayer of Salvation;
"Oh God in Heaven, I believe with all of my heart that Jesus has been raised from the dead. I receive Your Word, and I repent of sin. I renounce the past. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus. I receive my forgiveness. I receive the new birth, cleansed and washed in the Word and in the precious blood of Jesus. Fill me with Your Spirit, in Jesus name. Amen"

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Lord LOVES You

Greetings My Friends;
Not everyone believes that the Lord loves him. They may be going through a rough stretch, and are kind of  bewildered by it all. This is the time, that is most dangerous for anyone. The reason it is so dangerous, is that satan likes to jump on these things, and blow them way out of proportion to what they really are. He knows if you can believe what he is telling you, he can put you into total despair.
As you go through life, things for most people, do not work out as they had planned. Some people take that to mean, that God does not love them. The fact is, nothing could be further from the truth. Again I speak from experience. I have had times in my life, where it seemed that no matter what I did, it turned out wrong. For some reason though, the Lord must of been with me, because I never blamed Him, or felt total despair. I did have some times when I felt depressed, but I got over it.
As I look back, I see where the Lord was protecting me from myself. Without going into great detail, I will tell you, and this is the absolute truth, that I believe in my heart, that I had found so many ways to end up in hell that it would stagger your mind. A lot of it was as I thought innocent. Such as worrying too much about money, and making it my God. I had a number of idols in my life, but somehow, the Lord did not let me go.
Over the years, I began to realize there was a small voice in my heart, that was telling me the right thing to do, but I was totally ignoring it. If not for the love of God for me, I honestly believe, I'd be dead by now.
I don't know what your problem is, all I do know is it is not too big for the love of God. He loves you no matter what. There will be times in your life, as there were in mine, when he will keep you from doing something that will take you away from Him, and doom you forever. I believe the Lord takes that chance, because he loves you so much, and doesn't want to lose you.
As always satan will still try his best, to turn you against the Lord. But if you get it in your head and in your heart, how much the Lord loves you, and wants you to spend eternity with him, follow the little voice in your heart. It is probably the Holy Spirit, trying to get you on the right path to salvation.
We all receive blessings from the Lord, even though we don't deserve it. He has given us salvation if we accept it, even though we don't deserve it. Thank God we don't get what we deserve. His great love for us, makes everything okay. Just stick with it, read the Word, because it has been described as God's love letter to us, and a map to heaven.
God Bless You and remember
 Jesus loves you
Prayer of Salvation;
"Oh God in Heaven, I believe with all of my heart that Jesus has been raised from the dead. I receive Your Word, and I repent of sin. I renounce the past. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus. I receive my forgiveness. I receive the new birth, cleansed and washed in the Word and in the precious blood of Jesus. Fill me with Your Spirit, in Jesus name. Amen"

Monday, January 27, 2014

Destroy satans power

Greetings My Friends;
satan is a wily adversary. He has been around trying to destroy man, since the Garden of Eden. He planted doubt in Eve's mind, and she fell for it. She had a big disadvantage compared to us. satan was new to her. She should not have doubted the Word of God, but I guess satan was convincing.
It is easy for us to look back and blame Adam and Eve. Some people say the world would be so much better if they weren't so dumb. The sad fact is my friends, to one degree or another we are all just as guilty. We should know better, but we still fail. satan is so tricky, that he makes sin look attractive to a lot of people.
There are times he can get in your head, and help you rationalize sins you are committing, to where they don't seem like sins to you. He will plant doubt, fear, despair, depression, and any number of things to catch you off guard and to try and control you. If it is negative, it is from him. If it is against the Word, it is from him.
Since we know these things, knowing the Word is the first step to recognizing satan. It is written in 1 John 4:4 "you are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world" James 4:7 "therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you".
There are a number places in the Bible, that tell about the power you have over satan. Ignore him, command him to leave, it's your choice. He has no power over us. I heard about a well-known preacher, I will not mention the name because I'm not sure it was him, but here it is. This preacher woke up in the middle of the night, and saw satan standing at the end of his bed. The preacher looked at him, and said, oh, it's only you, and he went back to sleep.
So whenever you feel uneasy, a little down, doubting, or feel a little fear, to start talking to the Lord , he will never leave you or forsake you. In Jesus name, we have all the power over the evil one. Instead of standing around like a punching bag for him, we need to tell him what God says about him. With the power of the Word behind us,  satan is a paper tiger. We do not have to pay attention to him, or accept his nonsense.
God Bless You And Remember
 Jesus Loves You
Prayer of Salvation;
"Oh God in Heaven, I believe with all of my heart that Jesus has been raised from the dead. I receive Your Word, and I repent of sin. I renounce the past. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus. I receive my forgiveness. I receive the new birth, cleansed and washed in the Word and in the precious blood of Jesus. Fill me with Your Spirit, in Jesus name. Amen"

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Building Faith

Greetings My Friends;
Many people wonder how you get to know the Lord, or to build faith. I thought about that question, and I kind of figured out ,I'm sure with some help, that it is a lot like building muscles, or learning just about anything else.
If you really want to know how to do something, you must put yourself into it. If for instance you want to be a great cook, you have to study cookbooks and get plenty of practice. If you want to play a sport, again know all the rules and get plenty of practice. Getting back to the muscle part. You have to work your muscles, and push them a little beyond what you think they can handle. Sometimes there is a little pain connected with the stretching. But the fact is you know that what was hard to do today, is easier to do tomorrow because you have been working at it.
Well it's pretty much the same thing with growing your faith, except the pain from learning does not exist. You start out, probably listening to CDs or a preacher on TV. After that you probably would pick up a Bible, and at first start reading it like a book. Again after another little bit of time, you find out that the best way to really learn something, is to meditate on it.
By now you have probably been looking for a church. The best kind of church to go to, is one that teaches the Bible. If you are familiar with the Bible, then you can pick out the church without too much of a problem. You meet people there, exchange thoughts, and again grow in your faith.
I have mentioned before, that I started out exercising my faith, by asking the Lord for a parking space when I went somewhere. It seemed like kind of a silly thing to do, and even a little bit like I was insulting the Lord. I figured he knew what was in my heart, so I did it anyway. Well my friends as I have said before, I always had a good parking space. I have even had situations, where somebody was pulling out as I was ready to pull in.
That is a simple way to exercise your faith. As you grow in faith, you will find yourself stretching that faith. Another thing that will happen, is that your faith will grow to the point, where after you pray, you won't even think about whether or not it will happen. You will be so sure in your heart, that you don't give it a second thought. And that my friends is the place to be.
So just remember, satan would like you to think that you can never have mountain moving faith. That type of faith, he knows would destroy him. The other thing that you will have found out by now, is that in Jesus name, satan has no power over you.
So that is briefly, the way I approached the whole idea of building a relationship with the Lord. Try it, it works.
God Bless You And Remember
 Jesus Loves You
Prayer of Salvation;
"Oh God in Heaven, I believe with all of my heart that Jesus has been raised from the dead. I receive Your Word, and I repent of sin. I renounce the past. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus. I receive my forgiveness. I receive the new birth, cleansed and washed in the Word and in the precious blood of Jesus. Fill me with Your Spirit, in Jesus name. Amen"

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Inspired Writing

Greetings My Friends;
Over the years, I have heard  a number of comments about how the Bible was written. It seems some people will always look for fault, no matter what they are looking at. I have heard comments from many people, about how hard the Bible is to understand. It is true especially for someone just starting to read the Bible, that it can be a little difficult without some help from someone who knows. That could be your pastor, someone at church, a Bible study, or even someone on TV.
The unfortunate thing is, that some people become familiar with the Bible, whether it's because they think they are so brilliant, or just plain misguided, they talk about the way it is written. The thing I have heard a number of times, is that if it really is inspired by God, how could it be so confusing?
Well let me venture a couple possible explanations. First of all, anything inspired by God or the Holy Spirit, is inspired in the heart of the person who wrote it. The Holy Spirit does not dictate word by word as far as I know. He will put in someone's heart what to write, and how it gets interpreted by that person is how it ends up. It is still guided by the Holy Spirit so that it is correct. Then you have the matter of translations. You have vast time periods so language changes somewhat. You also have the translations of different languages. Through it all, the Holy Spirit, makes sure that the Word of God is the Word of God.
I do not put myself in the category of people who wrote the Bible. I do write these messages every day that I believe are guided by the Holy Spirit in my heart. I put down what I truly believe He has told me, and I let it go with that. I believe anyone who ever writes or says anything that he feels was revealed to him or her by the Holy Spirit or God or Jesus, is doing so by faith. It's the same with just about anything you encounter when you are a Christian. You must take a number of things on faith. There will be critics who will talk about you, say you are nuts, or trying to be someone you're not.
I believe that if you are doing what you are feeling in your heart, and it lines up with the word of God, you have to believe in what you're doing. As long as you are not changing what the Bible says, who can say your beliefs are wrong.
God Bless You And Remember
 Jesus Loves You
Prayer of Salvation;
"Oh God in Heaven, I believe with all my heart, that Jesus has been raised from the dead. I receive Your Word, and I repent of sin. I renounce the past. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus. I receive my forgiveness. I receive the new birth, cleansed and washed in the Word and in the precious blood of Jesus. Fill me with Your Spirit, in Jesus name. Amen"

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Points to Ponder

Greetings My Friends;
Over the past 10 months, I have written many messages covering a variety of subjects. Today I thought I would take some basic truths that you heard before, and use them as a kind of refresher. I know there are times, that I read something over, just to put it back in focus in my mind. I know most of this has been said in the past, by me as well as many other people. But here are a few very important ones off the top of my head.
Many times we humans, start out with a good idea in our own minds. We make plans, and we try to figure out every conceivable way there is to making that plan come true. Well my friends, as you know by now the Lord doesn't look at things the way we do. He knows the future, and He guides our path. We can make all the plans we want, but He knows what is best for us. He will let us do what we want, but He won't let our mistakes hurt us to the point where we lose faith in Him. I have found the best way to do anything about plans, is once I get the plan, I turn it over to Him and I ask Him to give me the best results. It works every time.
The next thing that we have to remind ourselves is that God loves us unconditionally. Even when we screw up, and sometimes forget about Him, He never forgets about us. When we do get kind of lax in our relationship with Him, satan tries to step in and make matters worse. You can see it coming, and you know it in your heart, so when that happens, tell satan it is written that he has no power over you in Jesus name. Then call on the Lord, and make your peace with Him. He will never leave you nor forsake you, so keep that always in your mind. Fortunately for us, He doesn't think like we do.
One of the reasons we are on this Earth, is to tell the world about Jesus. Now when Jesus was here he told the apostles to go out  in the world and do that very thing. He also told them, that if a town did not accept them, to shake the dust off their shoes then move on. There are many times, that we feel bad because we are not bringing people to the Lord. The thing you have to realize, is that you don't know that. By our actions, we can influence many people and not even know it. If you are supposed to talk to someone about Jesus, I believe the Holy Spirit will put it in your heart to do just that. He will also make the person you're talking to receptive to what you say. So if you have days or weeks or however long without actually speaking to someone about Jesus, don't beat yourself up. I believe if you were meant to do that, the Holy Spirit would have made it happen.
So there you have it just a few little reminders about things you have already heard, that sometimes slip into the back of your head because you're involved in things right now. Jesus knows we are human, but He loves us anyway, no matter what. So when it comes right down to it, love Him back with  all your heart, and make your actions reflect Jesus to everyone you meet.
God Bless You And Remember
 Jesus Loves You
Prayer of Salvation;
"Oh God in Heaven, I believe with all of my heart that Jesus has been raised from the dead. I receive Your Word, and I repent of sin. I renounce the past. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus. I receive my forgiveness. I receive the new birth, cleansed and washed in the Word and in the precious blood of Jesus. Fill me with Your Spirit, in Jesus name. Amen"

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

More on Casting Cares

Greetings My Friends;
Over the years you have probably heard a lot about casting your cares on the Lord. What exactly does that mean? It means just what it says.
It is written in Colossians 3:15 "I let the peace of God rule in my heart and I refuse to worry about anything".
It is written in Psalms 138:8 "the Lord will perfect that which concerns me".
There are quite a few quotes that we could write down from God's word, but I think you get the idea. The first thing any of us need to do, is go to the Lord and tell Him exactly what's in our heart. Talk to Him as you would  your closest friend. When you are telling Him what's on your mind, tell Him the facts, trying not to be a complainer.
You can meditate on the two verses that I have given, or some others you can find in the Word, and your confidence will be built up. Remember one important thing. Denying something exists, is not the same as turning it over to the Lord. If you deny your problem exists, you will be greatly disappointed. When you trust in the Lord with all your heart, and give Him the problem, He will take care of it.
One of the biggest problems many of us have, is we  tell the Lord about our problems, and then we hang onto them. It has been said that when we work, God rests. If we rest, God works. So common sense would indicate that if we do not let go of the problem, God cannot do anything about it. The reverse is also true if we truly believe.
Over the last couple of years especially, as I think of it, I tried to put every little thing in the hands of the Lord. I don't feel I am a pest, I don't think I'm asking for too much, I'm just taking His Word for it. As I said once before, I even talked to Him about parking spaces when we go shopping. That may seem ridiculous, but unless you start trusting the Lord with little things, how can you possibly expect to believe for big things.
Casting your cares means casting your cares. As time goes on and your relationship with the Lord grows, it will get to the point where you don't have to think. it gets easier to believe, it just is. The best thing you can do for yourself, is take everything in your life, and put it in the Lords keeping. I tell you the truth, no investments, or so-called good advice from another human, no matter how good, does not measure up anywhere near what the Lord does for us.
I started out believing for parking spaces. I almost felt like it was blasphemy and insulting the Lord. You know what, the Lord doesn't feel about anything that way, as long as it is from our hearts. The thing you always have to remember, God loved you since before the Earth was created. You and God, cannot care about the same thing at the same time. Since He is the creator, let Him take care of it.
God Bless You And Remember
 Jesus Loves You
Prayer of Salvation;
"Oh God in Heaven, I believe with all of my heart that Jesus has been raised from the dead. I receive Your Word, and I repent of sin. I renounce the past. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus. I receive my forgiveness. I receive the new birth, cleansed and washed in the Word and in the precious blood of Jesus. Fill me with Your Spirit, in Jesus name. Amen"

Monday, January 20, 2014

Choice of Words

Greetings My Friends;
I have noticed recently, at how many people have problems in their life, because of the way they think and talk. I have said before in another message, how important words are. I think most of us fail to realize, some of the things we say or think. A bad word doesn't have to hit you in the head like a 2 x 4 in order to be a bad word.
I firmly believe, that satan leads us to say things, that on the surface seem innocent to us. But that is just another one of his tricks, that we must become aware of.
I sometimes wonder how many people have asked for prayer for a healing, and having received it, begin to doubt almost immediately. It isn't necessarily only the doubt, that creates the problem. As I have heard it said, and it makes perfect sense to me, that positive words, and negative words, both act in the spirit world. So whichever one you say that is what will happen.
If you will not let go of a sickness, you will keep that sickness. If you constantly think that you are poor, you will be poor. I think the reason why these words act the way they do initially in our heads, is because we can't let go of things. As it was said of the Hebrews after they left Egypt, they were taken out of Egypt, but Egypt was not taken out of them. Even though they witnessed such a great miracle, or series of miracles, their minds were still in the place they were while they were slaves.
It is written, "as a man is in his heart, so is he" as I've heard it said many times, if you want to know where you will be five years from now, take a look at the words you are using today. Nothing could be more true, then the effect your words have on your life, because of the actions they cause in the spirit world. I think any God-fearing person would never scoff at the importance of words. So be careful what you say, say only good positive things, that line up with the word of God.
God Bless You And Remember
 Jesus Loves You
Prayer of Salvation;
"Oh God in Heaven, I believe with all of my heart that Jesus has been raised from the dead. I receive Your Word, and I repent of sin. I renounce the past. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus. I receive my forgiveness. I receive the new birth, cleansed and washed in the Word and in the precious Blood of Jesus. Fill me with Your Spirit, in Jesus name. Amen"

Sunday, January 19, 2014

A Relationship With Jesus

Greetings My Friends;
We have all heard about seeking the kingdom first, and having a relationship with the Lord. I think what we sometimes don't realize, is that one usually leads to the other. As you are seeking the kingdom, you are building a relationship.
I have heard it said by a couple of big-time preachers, that you on your own can do nothing. Most of us have good intentions, as evidenced by New Year's resolutions. Most of us fail to keep them, no matter how important they may have seemed to us when we made them. Well it is pretty much the same way we do things with the Lord.
We can say to ourselves, that we will for instance study the Bible every day for two hours. We are sincere in that thought, but it is destined to fail. When it does fail, we feel very bad, and sometimes even guilty. We have set ourselves up for failure.
The big thing we need to do, is to take it as the Lord gives it to us. What I mean by that is, if you are sincere in your heart with building a relationship with the Lord, He will lead you in ways you don't even realize. You will start doing things, like reading the Bible more, like thinking about Him or,  even start talking to Him in private.
There is no way, any works we do, will cause us to have that relationship. Try looking at it this way. If you had a friend, who was wealthy, and really cared for you, you would spend more time with them because you were starting to feel that way about him or her. That becomes a relationship. Now if that friend told you that he or she wanted to buy you a new car, and all you had to do was ask, you would probably jump at it.
Well your Heavenly Father, has said in His Word, that He wants to bless you beyond your imagination. In order to know what blessings are available, you need to read the Word, and understand what it says. The Lord even sent the Holy Spirit, to help you understand the Word. All you have to do is ask.
Any relationship, basically boils down to one thing. That one thing is, that you know the other person so well, that you know exactly what to expect in every situation. An example would be for instance in the case of the Lord, that you pray for something, and because of your intimate relationship with Him, you know you will get what you ask. There is absolutely no doubt in your mind.
So take some private time with the Lord in the beginning of the day, even if you have to get up a few minutes earlier, and tell Him what's in your heart. Through the Holy Spirit you will be led to do the right thing. Just pay attention to that little voice in your heart, and your relationship will grow. You will be on the right track to a relationship with the Lord, without even realizing it. You will have peace in your heart, and in knowing that he loves you, and you can love Him back.
God Bless You And Remember
 Jesus Loves You
Prayer of Salvation;
"Oh God in Heaven, I believe with all of my heart that Jesus has been raised from the dead. I receive Your Word, and I repent of sin. I renounce the past. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus. I receive my forgiveness. I receive the new birth, cleansed and washed in the Word and in the precious blood of Jesus. Fill me with Your Spirit, in Jesus name. Amen"

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Reasons For Joy

Greetings My Friends;
A friend of mine came over yesterday, and brought with him all the sadness and wrong thinking that you could possibly think of. I have tried on many occasions, to help this person. As soon as you start to say anything positive, and absolutely whenever you mention God, this person is so quick to change the subject that it would amaze you.
One thing many people do not realize, is that their life would be totally changed, if they knew the Lord. On further thought about that statement, I thought about people who are saved and still act that way. I must admit, that kind of puzzles me because people that are saved shouldn't feel that way.
Think about this for a moment. When you are saved, you know where you will spend eternity. That in itself should be such a joy, that you would hardly know how to handle it. When you realize that, you should have a whole new life.
When you have the Lord, with your whole heart, you also get the blessings of the Lord. Many of us don't realize just how important the blessings are, or what they are. A big part of the blessing, is that you can talk to your father in heaven, and know that he hears you. If you put all of your cares on him, he will take them on himself and free you to enjoy life. Salvation and all that goes with it, is a choice we make.
I know it sound simplistic, nevertheless it is true. The only things that can stop the blessings, are your choices, and listening to the devil. Whenever he tries to put doubt in your mind, know that that's just what it is. There is no substance to it. It is just his lying mouth looking for someone to believe in what he says. That my friends is a very big choice. It is written that you can command satan, in Jesus name, and he will flee. When you cast him out of your life, you are casting out depression, unbelief, and every other ungodly thing. Think about that, I do.
God Bless You And Remember
 Jesus Loves You
Prayer of Salvation;
"Oh God in Heaven, I believe with all of my heart that Jesus has been raised from the dead. I receive Your Word, and I repent of sin. I renounce the past. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus. I receive my forgiveness, I receive the new birth, cleansed and washed in the Word and in the precious blood of Jesus. Fill me with Your Spirit, in Jesus name. Amen"

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Sneaky satan

Greetings My Friends;
Well my friends  I have another story to tell you. You may find this story helpful, somewhat encouraging, and possibly even laughable. As I have said in previous messages I believe that that I am guided by the Holy Spirit in what I say. When I do these messages, I dictate to my computer, because it has voice recognition. For the most part it works very well, and I have very few corrections to make. With today's subject, I tried to put the title in by voice recognition eight or nine times. All it printed out was rubbish. I had to put the title in manually. This has never happened before. I guess satan got nervous.
What I'm going to tell you, is  types of things that you can go through, when you try to follow the Lord. Even though I believe that the Holy Spirit dictates these letters to me, I feel as if I have a personal interest as far as how many people read them. From the beginning I felt that the Holy Spirit would bring the people that were meant to read them, and I thought that was great.
As time went on, satan tried to tell me that if the Holy Spirit was indeed telling me what to write, the audience would be much larger. He told me that I was putting my two cents in and that nobody was interested in any of my messages. Naturally that would make you start thinking. I thought if the Holy Spirit was giving me a message, and I was getting it right, it would in  fact be much more popular. After praying about it, I realized satan was up to his old tricks. Instead of getting discouraged, the thought came to me, that the messages must be doing some good, or satan wouldn't be trying to interfere.
Another thing that I have tried, is to make videos. I felt that the video giving the same message as the written message, would give someone a choice as to how they would receive the message. Some people are not readers, and prefer verbal communication. Well satan stepped in on this one too. He told me that no one would watch my video, because I was boring and would put them to sleep. I struggled with this one for a while. Then I realized, that maybe some people out there like boring. I was not doing this for popularity, I was just passing on a message.
The whole point of telling you all of this, is that whenever you are doing or trying to do what you believe the Lord would like you to do, be prepared for old sneaky satan to stick his nose in to try to discourage you. He gets nervous when you try to follow the Lords Word. Be comforted in the fact, that he is trying to do these things because he is afraid. He does not want you to be close to the Lord. Doubt is how he tricked Adam and Eve.
So it all boils down to this in my situation. I will keep writing messages, and making my boring videos, because I believe in my heart I am doing what I am led to do. So I guess Proverbs 3: 5 "trust in the Lord with all of your heart, and lean not on your own understanding"got it right. Just remember, you can believe it or not, the choice is yours.
God Bless You And Remember
 Jesus Loves You
Prayer of Salvation;
"Oh God in Heaven, I believe with all of my heart that Jesus has been raised from the dead. I receive your Word, and I repent of sin. I renounce the past. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus. I receive my forgiveness. I receive the new birth, cleansed and washed in the Word and in the precious blood of Jesus. Fill me with Your Spirit, in Jesus name. Amen".

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

How The Lord Works

Greetings My Friends;
I must tell you a short story about something that just happened in my family. The story is about my son, the one who helps me with my messages for my blogs. He and I talk quite a lot, and we have both really come to know the Lord pretty well. I am not saying we know everything there is to know, I am saying we are learning about the benefits of trusting the Lord.
About a week and a half ago, my son hurt his back. It was very painful and he could hardly move. So naturally the first thing he thought about was praying for healing. Well he did not get an instant healing. We talked about it and he said he believed he was healed even though it had not totally manifest yet. He has learned how important words are, so we usually doesn't say anything negative, because negative would go against the healing.
He came to dinner at our house for his and his wife's birthday just the other day. He was still in pain and said that it really wasn't getting any better or worse. Well before he went home I spoke to him in private. I told him that if he has not had a manifestation of his total healing then there may be something blocking it. I told him we would pray and ask the Lord to tell us what the problem was.
Well my friends I put my hand on his head to pray, and he told me don't do that, that's wrong. He said he was already healed and didn't need another prayer for healing or to find out if there was something wrong blocking it. I was very happy to see the faith in his face and his eyes. It was unmistakable. I saw that power that the Lord gave him, and his faith.
Well they went home. The next day he went out to get something for is back such as the patch or something that would apply heat. As he was looking over the things that were available at the drugstore, he saw something on the bottom shelf that he could not read from his position. So he squatted down in order to read it. When he got up, all the pain was gone.
Well Sunday, he called us to tell us about his total healing. He also said that he just realized, that the Lord put him in situations during the past week that would have required him to squat, but instead he had someone help him. When he told me that, my comment was, if you would have paid attention to what the Lord was trying to tell you, you would have had total healing a week ago. Since we get along so well, I just had to call him a dummy in fun.
I have always felt, and have always told my wife and sons, that if you pray about something, and the Lord put something in your heart, just do it.  He doesn't just yell into your ear, it is a quiet little voice in your heart. We all believe the power of the Holy Spirit, and there are many many times in our lives that it was shown to us again and again.
So if you are waiting for your healing to manifest, take some time to figure out if the Lord has been talking to you about it.
God Bless You And Remember
 Jesus Loves You
Prayer of Salvation;
"Oh God in Heaven, I believe with all of my heart that Jesus has been raised from the dead. I receive your Word, and I repent of sin. I renounce the past. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus. I receive my forgiveness. I receive the new birth, cleansed and washed in the Word and in the precious blood of Jesus. Fill me with Your Spirit, in Jesus name. Amen"

Monday, January 13, 2014

Guided By The Holy Spirit

Greetings My Friends;
Before Jesus returned to Heaven, He told His disciples to take the Word everywhere. That is a scary thought to most Christians. We picture ourselves going out the way the disciples did, and preaching on street corners and everywhere else we can preach. I do not believe that that is exactly what he meant for us to do.
I believe if we are supposed to speak to someone, the Holy Spirit will lead us. He will put in our heart, if we should talk to the person we are with. If we are supposed to talk to that person, the Holy Spirit will also make that person receptive to what we are saying. That is the way I have personally done it up till now.
Most of the ways we could get the message of Christ to people, are less traumatic. We are to represent Christ, by the way we act toward other people. When we show love, patience, and kindness to other people, we are reflecting Jesus love on those people. Many times that will open the door for us to talk to them about Jesus and His love for them.
At times, you will run across people, who have the opposite view of yours when it comes to the Bible. They have strong opinions, that are usually wrong. Quite a few of them even get angry when you try to tell them what the Bible says. The best thing to remember, is to not argue with them. You will get nowhere, and in that situation you are just wasting your time.
Another good way to spread the Word of God, is to pray for those you meet. In Jesus name bless them, and put them in the Lord's hands. In doing this you are opening the door for the Lord to do His part.
Yet another way to spread the Word, is to volunteer for worthy causes and just plain get to meet people. Remember we are supposed to be a reflection of Jesus, and if that reflection is good, the Holy Spirit will do the rest.
You probably have already been acquainted with things I've said, but I find that reminding myself once in a while is a good thing. It could be for you too. So hang in there, read the Word, and put it to work in your life. You don't have to be a preacher on TV, in order to help someone find the Lord.
God Bless You And Remember
 Jesus Loves You
Prayer of Salvation;
"Oh God in Heaven, I believe with all my heart that Jesus has been raised from the dead. I receive your  Word, and I repent of sin. I renounce the past. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus. I receive my forgiveness. I receive the new birth, cleansed and washed in the Word and in the precious blood of Jesus. Fill me with Your Spirit, in Jesus name. Amen"

Sunday, January 12, 2014

A Super Prayer

Greetings My Friends;
Well it's that time of year again, when just about everyone makes New Year's resolutions. We have the best intentions when we make them, but usually because of human nature we usually fail. That's nothing to feel guilty about or feel bad about it is just common and if we accept it as such ,there you go.
I'm going to tell you about what I call a super prayer. It's nothing like a New Year's resolution. It is a prayer for specific things, which might even include some of those resolutions you made.
About two years ago my wife and I sat down and decided to take advantage of what the Lord said he would do for us. As it is written in the Bible "whatever you ask the Father in My name, believing, you will receive what you ask."
We took one afternoon, and made a list of things we were concerned about, or wanted for one reason or another. We came up with a list that included 10 items. That was a little over a year ago. So far seven of the items have manifested. I honestly have to admit, that we really stretched the point on some of them, because our thought was, if God's promises are real and nothing is impossible,it is a no brainer. And we did believe His promises are real.
I will now describe the process we used in writing this prayer. First we took what was very important to us, no matter how impossible it seemed. We believed what the Bible said and we more or less put God under the gun. That may not be the best way to describe it, but in fact that's what it was. Maybe our thinking was a little fuzzy, but we were going to find out once and for all what this faith thing was all about.
We made a list of every single thing that we wanted to see changed in our lives. When we finished the list, we took it to the Lord in writing. We listed some Scriptures that backed up what we were doing. Matthew 21:22 "and whatever thing you ask in prayer, believing you will receive".  2 Corinthians 5:7 "for we walk by faith, not by sight". Mark 9:23 "Jesus said to him, if you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes". 1 Peter 5:7 "casting all your cares on Him, for He cares for you".
I could go on and on with Scripture backing up what we are talking about, but you really don't need more than I have given you. It is very important that you write this prayer out. Write the prayer as if you were speaking to the Lord in person. Tell Him how you feel and why. Put everything down in this letter to God, your petition and Scriptures to back up your faith. Naturally when you finish, thank Him and praise Him.
Read this letter to God as a prayer. Again remind Him that you trust Him. Be sure to read it out loud. You must hear yourself say everything in the letter.
Every day, first thing in the morning and the last thing at night, repeat everything in the letter only this time say it out loud, as thanksgiving for already receiving what you ask. You will find that as you say the words and say that you believe, you will reach a point where there is no doubt in your mind you have what you say.
If it takes a little while, for any item to manifest, just relax, it is in the works. God does not go back on His Word. If He said it, He will do it. If a little doubt creeps in once in a while just tell satan that it is his doubt and not yours. If you truly put all of your care and trust in the Lord, he will never fail you.
That really is all there is to it. It doesn't have to be elaborate, very wordy, or anything like that. Just tell Him what's in your heart remind Him of His Word and thank Him for making it happen.
God Bless You And Remember
 Jesus Loves You
Prayer of Salvation;
"Oh God in Heaven, I believe with all of my heart that Jesus has been raised from the dead. I receive Your Word, and I repent of sin. I renounce the past. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus. I receive my forgiveness. I receive the new birth, cleansed and washed in the word and in the precious blood of Jesus. Fill me with Your Spirit, in Jesus name. Amen"

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Benefits of Contentment

Greetings My Friends;
If you ask someone what they think contentment means, they will probably tell you that it means you are satisfied with what you have. They are right to a point, but it is much more than that. There are a number of benefits connected with being contented.
In order to be truly content, as opposed to putting up with things and calling it contentment, you really need to take a look at your entire situation. You might call it count your blessings.
There was a time in history, and there are many places in this world, where people do not have a place to live, or food to eat. They would be very happy if that was not the case. Most of us in this country, have a place to live that is relatively safe, and a variety of food to eat so that we hardly ever go to bed hungry. In 1 Timothy 6:8 "And having food and clothing, with these we shall be content". Chalk one up for contentment.
There are people who seem to have it all. If you realistically look at some of the people that you envy, and see the price that they pay for what they have, you would probably be very surprised. I am not necessarily talking about money. Some people in their pursuit of wealth or worldly things, sacrifice their family, their health, and their own contentment. Nothing is for nothing. If you put everything in perspective, you will find that the best life is a life being happy with what you have. Notice I said being happy with, not satisfied with.
If you trust in the Lord with all your heart, and concentrate on him instead of things, you will have total peace in your heart, and will be blessed beyond measure. One of the things a lot of people don't seem to realize, is that what ever you pursue with all your might is where your heart is.
If you treasure your God, and your family, all good things will come to you. You will have perfect peace, and an abundance of blessings. God promised that, and he is not a liar. Do yourself a favor. Compare what you have to most people in the world, and it won't take long if you are totally honest, to see how well off you are compared to them. Whatever situation you currently find yourself in is probably much better than the majority of people.
You probably have experienced in your life, times when you're situation was not the best, and something happened to make it worse. Well my friend, it works the other way too. When you are happy with what the Lord has given you, and you put him number one in your life, and trust him with everything, you will be amazed at how things just flow. It seems to me that God has a habit of waiting till you are content with what you have, before he moves you on to the next step.
You have probably made many decisions in your life that didn't quite work out right. They certainly didn't make you happy or content. I suggest you think about trying something new. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and put all your cares on Him. The Lord wants you to be happy, so take advantage of it. You will experience peace and contentment beyond which you have ever imagined.
God Bless You And Remember
Jesus Loves You
Prayer of Salvation;
"Oh God in Heaven, I believe with all of my heart that Jesus has been raised from the dead. I receive your Word, and I repent of sin. I renounce the past. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus. I receive my forgiveness. I receive the new birth, cleansed and washed in the Word and in the precious blood of Jesus. Fill me with Your Spirit, in Jesus name. Amen"

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Past Is A Clue

Greetings My Friends;
Many of us have a tendency to live in the past to some degree. Ordinarily that is considered a bad thing to do, because you can't change it. I heartily agree with that. At one time years were measured as BC or A.D. then somewhere along the line someone decided to change it to B.C.E. and then the common era. Their  little way of taking Christ out of history.
I have come up with my own measure of time and history. I call it BJ meaning before Jesus, and AJ meaning after Jesus. As we go along you will understand perfectly why I chose to do that.
If you sit down and look at your past going back as far as you can remember, you will run across things that have a bad memory. Even as a child we do things we are not happy about later. You can go all the way through your life, from say first-grade, all the way to the present.
Most people say, if I knew then what I know now, I would do it differently. Well my friends this is where BJ comes in handy. Consider what you would do if you had Jesus back then, and you will probably see how many important things in your life that didn't turn out exactly what you would be tickled to death about, would have been different if you had applied what you have learned about Jesus and the Bible.
If you had applied the lessons taught by Jesus that you know  now, you can probably find many situations that would've turned out the way you would be happy about years later. Well it is true you cannot go back and do it all over. But here comes the good part. If you have been saved you are living in the AJ. of history.
You may be wondering what that means. It simply means that with the AJ. Of history, you can apply in your life, all of the things you missed out on in the BJ.period of time. Think about that for a minute. If you follow Christ's example from the Bible, and from the teaching  you have heard, you get to do it right.
Someday the period of time you are living now, will be the past. The big difference now is, when you look at the past, meaning this period of time, you will have much different memories of it. It will be positive and filled with all the good things  that the blessing of God has provided for you. This time, you will realize how blessed you have been.
Well my friends, it doesn't matter what age you are now. All of this applies to you as well as to me. I look back at many years where things  could have been very different if I had known better. I don't dwell in the past anymore. I only use my past life, as kind of like a history book, to help me for the rest of my life. By knowing what I messed up, and putting in the love of Jesus for me, I can have the rest of my life as something to be proud of.
That in a nutshell, is the way I look at things now. I will never, ever in my lifetime, look back and condemn myself for all my mistakes. Remember, you are never too old to start again, and to do it right. Jesus loves you, he is with you always, and you have His word on it. He said he will never leave you or forsake you. Amen to that.
God Bless You And Remember
Jesus Loves You
Prayer of Salvation;
"Oh God in Heaven, I believe with all of my heart that Jesus has been raised from the dead. I receive your Word, and I repent of sin I renounce the past. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus. I receive my forgiveness. I receive the new birth, cleansed and washed in the Word and in the precious blood of Jesus. Fill me with Your Spirit, in Jesus name. Amen"

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Quiet Time With The Lord

Greetings My Friends;
If you are like a lot of people, you probably have a routine that you stick to during the day. Routines come in handy. If you have something really important that you would like to do on a daily basis, you fit it into your routine. Most people have a tendency to do the really important things early in the day, and so make it a priority in their routine.
A number of people start their day by giving the first part of their day to fellowship with the Lord. That quiet time with the Lord is something a lot of people absolutely don't want to forget. It isn't that you feel like you're sinning, or you are trying not to be condemned, it is just something you feel in your heart you want to do.
Sometimes, if you do something to change your routine temporarily, such as going on a vacation, you may miss some important things. Without even realizing it, because of circumstances you find yourself in, you may occasionally, or during the whole trip totally miss your fellowship time with the Lord.
At first you will probably feel bad that you missed that quiet time. A couple of days later, your feeling downright guilty. You know the Lord loves you, and is not going to condemn you for that. You know it isn't a sin. But in your spirit you feel disgusted with yourself, because you missed what up until now has been the most important part of your day.
Well my friends I have been there. Yes those feelings expressed what I felt. As I thought about it, it wasn't even so much that I felt guilt for missing my quiet time, it was more a feeling of loss. It is as if the best friend you ever had was taken away from you for a few days or a week, whatever. That loss would be nothing compared to the way I felt about missing my time with the Lord.
Well I had to do a lot of thinking, and I came up with a solution for me. I now have a routine beginning with fellowship with the Lord, for the times that I am away from home. There is nothing more important, so it has to take first place in my life and everything else can wait. As I said before, it is not a question of worrying about some type of punishment or condemnation, it is a question of  the feeling of loss.
With the help of the Holy Spirit I will do exactly that. I will have two routines, one for at home, and one when I am away from home. You can always make time for the things that you want to do If you have been in this situation, you probably know what I am talking about and how I felt.
 Take heart. The Lord still loves us and understands. As the old saying goes, pick yourself up by your bootstraps, and start over.
God Bless You And Remember
 Jesus Loves You
Prayer of Salvation;
"Oh God in Heaven, I believe with all of my heart that Jesus has been raised from the dead. I receive Your Word, and I repent of sin. I renounce the past. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus. I receive my forgiveness. I receive the new birth, cleansed and washed in the Word and in the precious blood of Jesus. Fill me with Your Spirit, in Jesus name. Amen"

Monday, January 6, 2014

Bad Behavior or???

Greetings My Friends;
I think we all know someone who seems to have a problem with something. That something can be alcohol, drugs, gambling, even smoking. A lot of us rush to judge people that have these problems. Many times  the people with the problem do not recognize or admit that there is a problem.
Addictions such as these in many cases, if not all cases seem to take over the lives of the people involved. A lot of times in order to feed the addiction that they have, they will do everything possible to feed an addiction. Some people will spend their rent money, make a choice of the addiction over food, or stop paying their bills.
All of these bad choices can affect the person's family in a disastrous way. It seems the addicted person has absolutely no control and appears to be a person with weak character. In some cases that may be true. But I think it goes much further than that.
Many times if you try to talk to someone that has an addiction, they will get angry, and totally deny it. They have deluded themselves to the point where they actually believe their denials. They do not realize, or sometimes even care, that loved ones are suffering because of their behavior.
If you watch preachers on TV you will often see people giving testimony about how they were totally free from addictions as well as disease, or even financial problems, when they totally turned to the Lord for help.  Along with salvation comes freedom.
Well it got me to thinking. If what we see is true, that these people have been free from their problem by accepting Jesus with their whole heart, then the opposite must have caused the problem. It is very easy for us to look at someone, and say they are weak, have character flaws, or act that way because of problems in their life that they have no control over such as finances or a bad marriage. They never stop to realize that what they are doing may be the cause of their problems.
I honestly believe that a person who has an addiction, has an addiction because of an evil spirit. Just as being saved causes freedom in your life, and evil spirit can cause hell on earth for you. If you have a loved one who has an addiction of any kind, I believe you need to pray for those people instead of judging them. Pray for their salvation and total freedom from any evil spirits. According to the Bible, we can cast evil spirits from people using Jesus name, and our faith in that name to bring light where there is darkness. Even a person who is saved and fighting a demon, can cast him out in Jesus name.
You may not agree with what I'm saying, but the fact is it makes a lot of sense. The Prince of darkness brings darkness to our lives, while the Lord of light Jesus Christ brings light into our lives. Pray with all your heart for any of your family that has an addiction of any kind, and trust in the Lord, to bring his light into their life. Were there is light, there can be no darkness.
God Bless You And Remember
 Jesus Loves You
Prayer of Salvation;
"Oh God in Heaven, I believe with all of my heart that Jesus has been raised from the dead. I receive Your Word, and I repent of sin. I renounce the past. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus. I receive my forgiveness. I receive the new birth, cleansed and washed in the Word and in the precious blood of Jesus. Fill me with Your Spirit, in Jesus name. Amen"

Sunday, January 5, 2014

A Boost In Faith

Greetings My Friends;
I hope everyone had a blessed Christmas, and a happy new year. I am back from a short vacation up north. Check out the pictures. I am now back on schedule and am starting with and another actual experience.
As I reported in one of my earlier messages, I had type II diabetes, and was using insulin. I prayed for healing. I still paid attention to what I ate, and took a walk every day, but this time things were different. I believed I was healed, and I was. No more insulin, and no harsh diet. My prayer was answered.
I went to the doctor for a routine series of blood tests. This was every three months. One of these tests is what they call an A1C. All of the tests came back with perfect results. No diabetes.
Three months later same results. The doctor said come back in six months. Same results. Six months later, same results.
This is where the boost comes in. For a number of reasons, mostly my fault, I fell off the wagon. I didn't pay much attention to my diet, I stopped taking walks, and told myself I was too busy.
I believe this is where satan stepped in. He reminded me that in the Bible Jesus told a few people to "go and sin no more" after He healed them. It made sense, so I put myself in that picture briefly. I kept telling myself I am healed.
About two weeks ago I read something a well-known preacher said about healing. He said that if you are healed and go back to your old ways, your affliction will come back.
Well the devil tried to tell me this was confirmation for  sin and no more from the Bible. This was an ongoing battle for a while.
I was five months away from the next blood test for diabetes. I had time to buckle down and behave myself. Weeks went by, and I still did nothing. It got to be two weeks until Dr. time, and I still did nothing physically, because now it was too late. The blood test measured sugar for the last three months, not two weeks.
I asked the Lord to forgive any doubts I had and I started reaffirming the fact that I am in perfect health. I fought satan in Jesus name and said I am healed.
On Christmas Eve morning I went for all of my blood work. I asked the Lord to make it good. I enjoyed Christmas, went up north for a few days, and didn't give it a thought.
When I got back there was a message to call my doctor. I had no fear or doubt, and I called. The nurse told me all of my results were perfect, and come back in six months.
What a magnificent God we serve. It just proves to me once again that divine healing is forever. What God gives, He does not take away.
If this didn't help reaffirm my faith, nothing will. Just believe. Fighting a little doubt can't stop the miracle.
God Bless You and remember 
Jesus loves you
Prayer of Salvation;
"Oh God in Heaven, I believe with all of my heart that Jesus has been raised from the dead. I receive Your Word, and I repent of sin. I renounce the past. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus. I receive my forgiveness. I receive the new birth, cleansed and washed in the Word and in the precious blood of Jesus. Fill me with Your Spirit, in Jesus name. Amen"