Sunday, August 4, 2013

Riches 3

Greetings, My Friends;
I believe it is a fact that some people are blessed with riches, because the Bible gives examples and instructions. The more you follow the Word, the more the Lord trusts you, and blesses you. In the 1st place, we must recognize that all good things come from the Lord. He blesses as He sees fit. We have responsibilities.
Luke 12:48. "For everyone, to whom much is given, from him, much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask more".
We should never brag about how we have gained much by our own brains and effort. The fact is that wealth comes to us from God. If we follow his ways, it is a blessing. If we follow our own understanding, it can become a curse to destroy us. When we follow the Lord, our hearts become compassionate, generous and caring. There are literally millions and millions of people dying from starvation or diseases that have simple cure's, but people cannot afford them. There are many good organizations to contribute to.
Support the church you go to. If they are teaching the Word of God, they deserve your support. You are helping spread the word of God. If an individual in your church is having problems, see if you can help them. Money is not the only way to give. Sometimes kind words, followed by helpful actions mean more. A caring Christian gives what it takes, and is blessed.
We must all remember that the Lord looks at our hearts. He blesses a cheerful giver.If a person's heart is not a caring,  God fearing heart, you're giving will probably go unnoticed by God. I believe that there are so many people in this world that are super poor.  God gave the rest of us a real  opportunity to help. If you can talk to a starving person and all you do is tell them that Jesus loves them, don't expect a positive reaction. While it is actually the truth that Jesus loves them, a bowl of rice or beans after you tell them, helps them to see that love.
One final personal story.  My wife and I are on a fixed income for several years now. All of us have heard about how God returns more than you give.  Well my friends, it is so true. The human brain tells you that with a fixed income, you won't get raises or bonus. Fortunately, God does not work by human logic. My wife and I have always given with a loving compassionate heart. The Lord has always taken care of us, even before we found Him. To make a long story short, we did not see our fixed income go up, but we have seen unbelievable drops in expenses. It can only be God, keeping his word. One way or another, the good Lord blesses you.
Until next time, God bless you, and remember,
 Jesus loves.
Prayer of Salvation;

"Oh God, in heaven, I believe, with all my heart that Jesus has been raised from the dead. I receive your Word, and I repent of sin. I renounce the past. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus. I receive my forgiveness. I receive the new birth, cleansed, and washed in the Word and in the precious blood of Jesus. Fill me with Your Spirit, in Jesus name. Amen."

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