Sunday, May 28, 2023

Memorial Day Remembrance

Here we go on another Memorial Day. This country was founded on the Blood Sweat and Tears of the people who lived here and were searching for freedom to live their beliefs.  They were a God-fearing people and wanted to live that way.

The Civil War was fought in part to free those who were still being oppressed. The Constitution included all men, but because of special interests, some were more equal than others.

We fought in both world wars and defended freedom. It seemed noble and to many, like doing God’s work. Ours was a country worth fighting For. Even though most knew the sacrifice that was to be made, they were willing to make it.

Through all these wars both sides lost millions of people. Lives taken away from families, lives destroyed by crippling lifetime injury. Unimaginable hardship they did not cause. They didn’t complain because they felt that it was their duty to pass on what they received.

Beginning with Vietnam and all the wars since, it has been different.  Too many cases of special interest, corruption, and lying to the people. War was very profitable for many, and everyone knew it. The Carnage and sacrifices were totally unrecognized.

Unfortunately, it has now come to the point in this country that many feel it isn’t worth fighting for. A huge number of people want to reverse everything because they feel the whole system is broken. They want to start over, but unfortunately most people have no knowledge of what they are fighting for. They are only going by what they are told by Washington by the media by the large companies. Words are not as powerful as pictures. The problem is too many people are so indoctrinated, they don’t believe it when they see it.

During Vietnam, the attitude toward returning soldiers was shouts from crowds calling them, “baby killers”. Most citizens, if you talk to the average person would not choose to die for this country if it came up because of what it has become.

It is the duty of those who love this country to start doing their part. First, vote for good people. If they don’t fight for your values, don’t vote for them again. Keep doing it until we get people who enforce laws and work for the good of all of us. No vote is a vote against yourself. Remember this. True patriots didn’t give up because it was too hot, or cold, or raining. We should vote with our God given brains no matter what. You will rest better after doing your duty.

 Millions died young, were crippled for Life, families and lives destroyed, so we could be free. If we’re too lazy or care too little about this country, their sacrifices and there were many, amounted to nothing and we deserve what we get.

Dear Lord  we ask you to help people recognize that what Your word says is true. As it says in 2 Chronicles 7: 14, If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sins and heal their land.

The people before us had a tough way to go but they did it gladly so that we could all be free and enjoy the pleasures of God’s blessings. Somewhere we have gone astray by listening to the wrong people, following the crowd or just not caring enough. God’s word tells us how to get back. Read it, believe it, and do it. God bless you and your family. Praise The Lord!

Remember Jesus loves you.

Prayer salvation.

Lord Jesus Christ, I am a sinner. I know you suffered and died on the cross and rose again in order to wash away my sins and to save me.  I acknowledge my sins, and I Repent of those sins, and I ask you to come into my heart as my personal savior. I believe and I receive the gift of Salvation. Thank you, Lord Jesus!

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