Thursday, April 1, 2021

Resurrection Day


2 Corinthians 6:2

In a favorable time I listened to you, in a day of salvation, I have helped you.

Since the time of the resurrection of Jesus, people have questioned the Bible and its accuracy. They have as one of their favorite arguments, that the bible was wrong about the number of days that Jesus was dead.. The Bible is correct. Hebrews used to call a part of a day as a whole day. Friday was the first day, the Sabbath was the second, and even if Jesus rose one minute after midnight on Sunday, it was still the third day. .

From the time of the crucifixion, through the Resurrection, reports of hundreds of dead people rising and being seen by many eyewitnesses that saw Jesus, was as it was recorded in the Bible. Countless people were converted because of this.

History reports thousands of Christians dying for their faith. Do men die for fairytales? Would you be that convinced if you were a witness? Do you doubt now? Do yourself a favor, and stop following what the world says is true. The Bible says most will perish for eternity.

Jesus conquered death, and in the process He conquered satan. Because of this, we gain eternal life through Jesus, and our souls are taken back from satan who stole them from Adam and Eve.  If not for what Jesus did, we would all be spending eternity in Hell.

I find it hard to separate the true significance of Christmas, crucifixion, and Resurrection. All three were necessary in order to achieve what Jesus did. It took all three of them to keep us from paying for our own sins. Jesus did what we could not do for ourselves. The power of God's love for us can never be fully understood by us, during our normal lifetime. The best way to thank God and praise Him, is to have faith and trust in His Word.

Resurrection Day should be celebrated with song, worship, and please, because by Jesus rising from the dead, we have a new life too. We were dead in sin, but now we are alive in Christ. Hallelujah! God bless you and your family. 

Praise the Lord!

Remember Jesus loves you.

Prayer of Salvation.

Lord Jesus, please forgive all of my sins, and come into my heart as my personal savior. I want to serve only you. 

Praise the Lord!


Have A Blessed Day !!!!!!

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