Tuesday, October 1, 2024

My Time With Jesus Tuesday

Believe As A Child

Matthew 18:3, Truly I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

I think you’ll agree that this verse is powerful. But what does it mean? Let me give you some examples.

When we are a little child, we believe absolutely everything we are told, because we don’t know about lies. When we start going to church with our parents, we find that many religions concentrate on rituals and traditions and spend very little time with the Bible. That is unfortunate as I later found out in life. When I was growing up, in my church they read a couple of verses on Sunday and almost no teaching. Even as a very young person I thought there should be more to it than that.

Some people grow up that way and stay that way their whole life. They never suspect their strongly held beliefs may not get them to Heaven. Either they don’t read the Bible because they think they’re getting everything they need at church, or in some cases they just don’t know any better or are lazy.

 Then of course you have those that accepted God’s call and we’re born again. Unfortunately, there’s a large percentage of this group that doesn’t read the Bible either, because they don’t feel they need to because they are saved. I suspect there’s a certain amount of laziness there too.

When you read the Bible, you are reading the word of God. He does not lie. Relax when you read the Bible, it is not a regular book, so don’t read it like one. Study it, think about what you are reading. One of the easiest versions of the bible, the ESV version. Don’t analyze every word to pieces or try to find mistakes. If you really study, after a while you’ll have very few legitimate questions because the questions you had were answered. 

One of the big things when you’re reading the Bible, in believing what the word says, remember this important fact. God is not like us, so nothing is impossible with Him. Just because we can’t do something does not mean that He can’t do something. Just believe, your Immortal soul is at stake.

When you became an adult, you probably realized that you had quite a few years of lies and deceitful practices behind you. You must make up your mind when it comes to the word of God, just believe it, and don’t fight it,  it will all become clear. The more effort you put in, the faster it will happen.

The Bible is the key to a blessed life. How would you know about the love and blessings and just plain Joy you can have in your life, if you didn’t read it and know about it. Your spirit believes every word that is written, and your soul follows. Everything at that point depends on your brain for fulfillment. It must use faith-filled words and believe. Whatever you say and believe in Jesus’ name will be yours. 

The Bible is a plan. If you follow a plan to build something and do it exactly, you will succeed, get the picture? Just believe. Talk to the Holy Spirit about it, and you may be surprised. He does help, so listen to His little voice in your heart. God bless you and your family. Praise The Lord!

Remember Jesus loves you.

Prayer of Salvation.

My Lord Jesus Christ, I believe you died on the cross and rose from the dead to make my salvation possible. By your stripes I was healed and your blood washed away all my sins. I Repent of all my sins, and I ask you to come into my heart as my personal savior.  I believe and I receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Thank you, Lord Jesus Christ. 


Praise The Lord!

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