Sunday, July 28, 2024

God's Promises Sunday


Proverbs 19:17
, He who has pity on the poor.Lends to the Lord.And he will pay back what he has given.

Compassion is defined as sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others. Compassion covers a lot of territory.When we see starving children on television and we feel their hunger and despair.We sometimes feel in our hearts that we should try to help. So we send money. At that point, we have to ask ourselves. Did we do it out of guilt because we have so much? Or did we genuinely feel the pain they felt. What was the biggest reason We did what we did ?

All of us must ask ourselves the question. Is it.making us feel good about ourselves, that we contributed. Or did we really care? 'm not trying to lay a guilt trip on myself or anyone else. But the Lord God Almighty sees the heart, and any compassion must come from the heart.

You may know someone who just lost a loved one.Or someone in the hospital, or is in financial trouble. Kind words are wonderful, but sometimes it goes further than that. Maybe a couple of hot meals for the bereaved family. Maybe someone could use a ride to see sick family or friends. A caring person during times of stress or grief is a blessing from God. Do for someone else what you would appreciate someone doing for you?

Remember, true compassion does not involve judging whether someone deserves help. As Creator God, is the judge of everyone. It is written. With what measure you judge, you will be judged. I believe we are confronted with people or situations, where our compassion and love for God is tested. I believe God has a sense of humor too. Many times He will bring someone into the picture that we don't particularly like. Do good anyway, it means more to God.

An important fact to remember is. Situations that come up that require true compassion.may be difficult for us but it is an opportunity from the Lord our God.

God bless you and your family, 

Praise The Lord! 

Remember, Jesus loves you.

Prayer of salvation.

My Lord Jesus Christ, I believe you suffered and died on the cross and rose again from the dead. I believe you did this for my salvation.I ask you for forgiveness of all my sins and to come into my heart as my personal Savior.I believe and I receive the greatest gift anyone ever received and that is salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen! 

Praise The Lord! 

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