Sunday, July 21, 2024

God's Promises Sunday

The Gift Of Healing

James 5:15, And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins he will be forgiven.

The subject today is one that has drawn countless skeptics. It seems that only true believers acknowledge it, but a small percentage experience it. I have heard comments about healing, and miracles in general. People get all upset and talk about their being a catch to everything God does. He does have a few conditions usually, but not always. You have to ask for healing, You must believe for what you asked, and then you have to receive the healing in your heart. I guess according to some people that is totally unreasonable.

I could tell you at least a dozen miracles of healing that I know personally but that would take too long. Instead, I will tell you of two that happened to me personally. There were others but I’ll stick to two. After surgery years ago, I developed diabetes. The doctor suggested all the regular solutions. Lose weight, exercise, and so on. It finally got to the point where I had to start taking insulin. The dosage got up to be a pretty high amount.

A couple of years ago I finally woke up and spoke to the diabetes and claimed healing in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I took a step of faith and lowered my insulin by five units.  I was checking my glucose readings every day and the number stayed the same. I started lowering my insulin every week by five reasoning that if it increased in steps, the reverse was reasonable. Finally, I was down to no insulin. I checked three times a day expecting good numbers. They were right on target. They have what they call an A1C test that measures your average glucose for three months that had just lowered the range from 7 to 6. Under six is normal. The first test was  five point five, the second five point six. I had about six of these tests in one and a half years, and my highest number was five point 7, sure looks to me like I was healed.

Psalm 41:3, The Lord will strengthen him on his bed of illness; you will sustain him on his sick bed.

One more quick story. I accidentally ripped out a big part of the nail on a big toe. It was ripped the long way. Plenty of blood. I just wrapped it and prayed about it. The next day it looked bad. I repeated my belief in my healing. The next day my toe was swollen and infected. At this point I told my wife maybe I should go to the doctor. Immediately the thought came to my heart, do you believe or not? I rebuked the infection in Jesus name and claimed my healing once again. The next morning the infection was gone and a few days later, the toe was normal. It did however take a few weeks for the nail to grow back.

 I’m not telling you to do what I did. I know a couple of people who asked the Lord to help the doctor heal them. There’s nothing wrong with that. I did what I did because I had a habit of putting the Lord out on a limb. He has never fallen off. I cannot express to you the importance of just believing that one way or another the Lord will give you that healing whether it’s a miracle like mine or through a doctor. Either way He is the great healer. God bless you and your family.  Praise The Lord!

 Remember Jesus loves you.

 Prayer of Salvation.

My Lord Jesus Christ, I believe that you suffered and died on the cross and rose again from the dead. I believe you did this for my salvation. I ask you for forgiveness of all my sins, and to come into my heart as my personal savior. I believe and I receive the greatest gift anyone ever received, and that is  the gift of salvation. Amen

Praise The Lord!

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