Thursday, September 19, 2024


Romans 8:5-6, For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the spirit, the things of the spirit. For to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

The message today is about something that can be complicated or even confusing. That subject is the thoughts that we have. Where do they come from, and how do they affect us?

First, we have random thoughts. Usually these occur while we are relaxing. We get all kinds of thoughts going on in our heads. Some make sense because of certain things going on in our lives, while others seem to make no sense at all. It is as if our brain is looking for something to latch onto. I guess this would explain why when you ask someone what they are thinking, they say, nothing.

 The next group of thoughts takes place when you consciously make an effort to decide about something. I consider thoughts to be suggestions the brain makes. As these suggestions race through our heads, the brain changes gears and tries to pick out the best options. The thoughts keep coming until a satisfactory solution is arrived at.

 Another group of thoughts occurs when we look at what is going on around us. Our thoughts tell us if we like something or not. Is it pleasant to look at? Does it feel good, such as a cool breeze and a warm day? Would we change what we see in any way? Is what we see matter at all to us?

 Another kind of thought can lead to good or bad results. Thoughts have a way of multiplying in your brain. Let’s say you decide to do a particular thing. Your brain starts giving you suggestions. For this scenario let us assume you don’t like someone. Your thoughts latch onto this. As you pick out certain suggestions from your brain. it starts to focus on your choices and gives more extreme suggestions. The process keeps building until you stop it with a conscious effort. All kinds of bad things can occur if you don’t.

2 Corinthians 10: 5, casting down arguments and every High thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.

The same is true of positive thoughts. They build the same way as negative thoughts. As you pick any suggestions, you feel more and more positive about what you first thought of. Again, you must recognize what is happening and control it, or your thoughts will run amok and lead to disaster. Even the best thoughts can end up in disaster. You can arrive in a situation that is totally overwhelming.

You can also direct your thoughts as I call it your brain suggestion. Whatever your initial idea is, if you dwell on it even for a very short time the process starts. Pornography, gambling, starting a business, or shopping, as examples if you don’t control the original thought, the brain considers everything the same. It will keep on building these suggestions until you accept it or stop it or act on it.

One more thing. Let’s say you’re reading the Bible. A thought comes to you that it is too hard to understand. Do I really believe this stuff? Or Another example a little more extreme. Say you are a few stories up and looking down. If you asked 10 people, 5 would probably say that for a split second they thought they should jump.

Thoughts like these bother many Christians. They come out of nowhere, or do they? In their very nature they are against the word of God. As such, you can be sure they come from satan. At this point tell satan that these thoughts are his and not yours and reject them in Jesus’ name. Just praise the Lord and rest in Him. They are not yours, so you are not guilty. God bless you and your family, 

Praise The Lord!

Remember Jesus loves you

Prayer of salvation.

My Lord Jesus Christ, I am a sinner. I know you suffered and died on the cross and rose again in order to wash away my sins and to save me. I acknowledge my sins, and I Repent of those sins, and I ask you to come into my heart as my personal savior. I believe and I receive the gift of salvation, and I thank you My Lord Jesus Christ. 


Praise The Lord!

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