Tuesday, January 28, 2025

My Time With Jesus Tuesday

Mercy And Forgiveness

Matthew 6: 14-15, for if you forgive others their offenses, your Heavenly Father will forgive you as well. But if you don't forgive others, your Father will not forgive your offenses.

Last Sunday I was watching pastor John Hagee and something he said got me thinking about things like mercy, love and so on.

During a sermon about mercy and forgiveness, pastor Hagee pictured a mercy bank in Heaven. When you show mercy, almighty God makes a deposit to your mercy account.

At that point I pictured a number of accounts that each of us has in Heaven. We have various accounts, such as giving, love, forgiveness, kindness, and it goes on and on.

Luke 6: 38, give, and it will be given to you; A good measure- pressed down, shaken together, and running over- will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you.

In life we cannot withdraw money from a bank and never make a deposit. It is the same with our spiritual bank. Our spiritual bank is run by almighty God, so you can believe that all the accounts are correct.

I know God pays interest, so that makes up for some of the shortfall. And as I said I do believe He has a certain amount of overdraft protection on our accounts. The truth is we need overdraft protection because when we look at our account versus how much has been withdrawn from it, it is impossible for us to ever have enough on our own. It is God's mercy that keeps our account liquid.

In life we must pay for every overdraft. Just because Almighty God loves and forgives much, does not mean we can take advantage of Him. It isn't so much that whatever balance we have may not be enough. God in His mercy will not cut us off. Almighty God doesn't work that way. We should let our conscience be our guide, and realize that we never know how much is enough. God Bless you and your Family. Praise The Lord!

Remember Jesus loves you.

Prayer salvation.

My Lord Jesus Christ, I thank you and Praise you for what you did on the cross for me. By your stripes I was healed and your blood washed away my sins. Your death and resurrection made my salvation possible. I confess my sins, and I ask you to come into my heart as my personal savior. 


Praise The Lord! 

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