Sunday, May 12, 2024

God's Promises Sunday

Unrealized Blessings

Philippians 4:19, and my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in Glory by Christ Jesus.

It is all too common to hear people complain about all sorts of things. Usually, the complaint is about some kind of lack in the person’s life. Many blame God for not providing their wants.

I must admit that when I was young, God was not a part of my life. I complained just like everyone else, but I didn’t blame God. The reason I didn’t blame God is, I really didn’t acknowledge Him in my life.

James 1:17, every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the Father of Lights with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.

When I was young I had all kinds of experiences. I hate to admit it but my moral compass was not always functioning correctly. There were even a couple of times when I got stupid and almost got killed.

In October of 1972 I was coming home from work on a very dark, cloudy day. I had some problems, and I was feeling desperate. I heard myself saying: God if you are real show me.

At that instant I saw the brightest light shining in my face that I ever saw in my life. If you ever had an eye doctor shine his light in your eye, my light was so much brighter. I still sob when I think about this, because it changed my life, and led to making God number one in my life.

The point I’m trying to make is this. Almighty God loves us so much that He showers us with blessings even when we fail or do not even acknowledge Him. His love is beyond understanding, and He is always quick to forgive even the worst sinner.

Today I realized something I never thought about. I am trying to control my weight within a certain range. If that is all I am concerned about, I must be blessed beyond measure. Blessings are like that, you don’t even realize most of them.

List your needs and list your wants. What is at the top of your list. If you list Our Father God, the Lord Jesus Christ, or the Holy Spirit, you’re on the right track. If they aren’t at the top of your list; it would be a very good idea to start reading the Bible and talking to the Lord.

Keep this in mind. God loves you more than you can possibly imagine. Love is the key to receiving all the blessings God has waiting for you and me. Every day there’s more blessing added to God’s magnificent storehouse for us. Don’t miss out on any of them, so start talking to the Lord, and believe. God bless you and your family. Praise The Lord!

Remember Jesus loves you.

Prayer of Salvation.

My Lord Jesus Christ, I thank you for what you did on the cross for me. Your blood washed away all my sins, and by your stripes I was healed. Your death and Resurrection brought me salvation. Please forgive my sins and come into my heart as my personal savior. Amen. 

Praise The Lord!

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