Tuesday, April 26, 2022

My Time With Jesus Tuesday


Psalm 62:8, Trust in Him at all times, o people; pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us.

Every living person goes through trials or tests of faith. It stands to reason that if I have a test, so do many others. I write these messages because I realized that if God helps me, He will help you.

I had been praying that I learn something that will really unlock the power of Prayer. After doing this a number of times, I suddenly got the knowledge in my heart that I had unconfessed sins. I could not imagine what they could be. I confessed everything, I thought. Like many people I said to myself,  Self, You are a pretty decent guy. You didn't kill anyone, rob anyone, you give to various charities, you're okay.

As I prayed, I began to realize like never before, it is what God sees, and His standards that we are judged by. Remember when Jesus said lust in your heart is considered adultery to Him. If I use that standard for everything, I will be on the right track.

None of us will ever be sinless so we must confess. Because of Jesus our sins are forgiven. Confessing to our Father shows Him we realize when we sin, and will try to do better.

Learning that was such a boost to my faith, that I will thank and praise God every day, because it brought me a new level of peace and relationship with God. Remember we must judge ourselves by God's standards not ours or the worlds. God sees all, and knows all, and loves us anyway. God bless you and your family. Praise The Lord!

Remember Jesus loves you.

Prayer of Salvation.

Lord Jesus, please forgive all of my sins, and come into my heart as my personal savior. I want to serve only You. 

Praise The Lord! 


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