But Jesus looked at them and said to them, with men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.
There are dozens and dozens of verses that tell us that our God, is the God of the impossible. I for one heard most of them, at least I think I did, but I never really gave them much thought. It isn't that I didn't believe it, I just never thought about it.
If I recorded all of the miracles God has done in my life, you would literally get tired of reading them. While God was doing all of these miraculous things in my life, I hardly noticed, and never gave Him credit. Believe me, it is possible to be that unaware.
Not too many years ago, something happened that almost killed me. I don't remember who it was at the time, but they told me that it was a miracle that I wasn't killed. What saved me was impossible. All I said was, yeah, I guess you are right..
After that incident, I slowly started noticing big and small incidents that worked out for my good that were improbable or impossible. They didn't happen every day as far as I know, but at least a dozen or more times something like that did happen. All kinds of little things and big things. God just did it, without me even asking, because he loves me. He loves you too by the way.
Remember what I just said. God loves you. Start noticing the little impossible things that happen in your life, and be grateful and realize that he is always with you and will never leave you or forsake you. God bless you and your family. Praise the Lord!
Remember Jesus Loves You
Prayer of Salvation
Lord Jesus please forgive all of my sins, and come into my heart as my personal savior. I want to serve only you.
Praise the Lord!
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