Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love him.
I write this message, because I believe there are many people who were, or are like me. I spent most of my life like the majority of people. I went about doing what I had to do. I almost never thought about God. I was too busy taking care of my family and making a living.
One day, back in 1972, I was coming home from work after a tough day. Between that and a few other things, I was so desperate that I thought about God. And like we all do, run to Him when we have a problem that overwhelms us. I do remember it though like it was this afternoon. I said, God if you are real, show me.
The day was dark and cloudy, but my eyes were blinded by the brightest light I've ever seen. That moment I knew it was God. I wept uncontrollably. When I pulled myself together I realized that all my cares had left me I felt such total peace I can't describe it.
Everyone I knew was asking my wife what happened to me, because I was acting so different. We started trying to take the next step. All we knew was Catholic, and we didn't follow that, so after a couple of weeks, we gave up. Can you believe that? I must've been a nut.
My mother-in-law loved Jesus. She always talked about how much she loved Him. I must say, and she didn't just talk, she lived it. She wanted everybody to know how great Jesus was, and how much He loved them. Well one day she offered a book to me. I guess no one else wanted it, so I thought I would humor her. I took the book and thanked her. The title of the book was praise the Lord anyway. I believe it was written by Francis Gardner.
Well, it was actually years later when I started to read that book. I can't even tell you why I started to read it because I don't know why I started to read it ,except I was led by the Holy Spirit. That is the only thing that makes sense. The fact is I not only started to read it, I started to follow what I was reading.
Well sometime after that, I felt, in my heart that I should try to help others find Jesus, by telling them what I learned by writing blogs. It was about eight years ago.
As time went on I kept trying to learn as much as I could so I could pass it on to others. I really believe the Holy Spirit inspired me. In trying to help others, I have grown. The Lord said give and it shall be given to you. My faith has returned a hundredfold to me. I reached the point ,that I have no doubt when I pray in Jesus name that it is done. The Holy Spirit never lets me down.
The whole point of this little story is that it's never too late, and even if you screw up along the way the Lord is always there to catch you. He patiently waits for you to come back so if you're not there yet, don't give up. Just ask Him to come into your heart, and relax about it, because believe me when your time comes there's no escaping, it you will know in your heart just as I found out in my life. So praise the Lord He is a good Lord and I can understand totally, how my mother-in-law came to love Jesus so much. I do too. God bless you and your family. Praise the Lord!
Remember Jesus Loves You
Prayer of Salvation
Lord Jesus, please forgive all of my sins, and come into my heart as my personal savior.I want to serve only you.
Praise the Lord!
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