Do you feel far from God, Jesus, Holy Spirit? Are your prayers being answered? Are you feeling that life is crushing you?
The answer is simple. God is not far from you, you may be far from Him. You do not know Him on a personal level. If you are saved, you should know that Jesus is in you all of the time. Spend some time in the Bible, maybe Psalms to start with. You will see where you are, and where God is.
Let me ask you this. If you knew someone, who acknowledged your existence only when they desperately needed help, what kind of relationship would that be?
God is our Creator, not our servant. He knows the littlest thing about us, what do we know about Him? He knows us, but loves us anyway. If we really knew Him, we would love Him. Talk to Him during the day and listen for His voice. After a while, you'll hear His voice in your heart, you'll also hear His voice from the Bible.
The closer we get to God, and know Him, the stronger our relationship with Him will be. We will be able to hear His voice, and follow His plan, because His plan is better than one we could come up with. Over time you will find that your decisions are much better. In the things that you did wrong perhaps you weren't listening. So do yourself a giant favor, get to know our Savior Jesus Christ. After all, we should not act on what we don't know. God bless you and your family.
Praise The Lord!!!
Remember Jesus Loves You
Prayer of Salvation
Lord Jesus please forgive all of my sins and come into my heart as my personal savior. I want to serve only you.
Praise the Lord!
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