So He answered and said, you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.
The story about the good Samaritan is usually considered just a story. Could it really happen? What I am about to tell you is real. You decide, if I'm right or not.
During the last few years, I had bypass surgery, a heart valve replacement, and one half of my liver removed because of cancer. With all of this, I haven't been able to do much physical work outside.
Since my heart surgeries, snow removal is forbidden by my doctor . We have had quite a few snow days this past winter. Tough situation right? Wrong. The Lord provided my own good Samaritans in the form of a few neighbors. These people have never failed to take care of my snow.
While I was unable to do yard work during these last few years, My yard has become a real mess. There was a large amount of storm damage to top it off. I faced a real dilemma. Approximately $12,000 to have it done, or just let it get worse. I could not do the vast majority of the work, and since I am on social security I could not afford to have it done.
You guessed it. The Lord sent me new Samaritans in the form of my next-door neighbors. They've been my neighbors for 16 years. They are much younger than we are. We say hi when we see each other, that's about all. The woman cleaned up leaves by our yard. She also did a little yard work. All of this without a word.
The other day the man saw me and we started talking We casually talked about my yard. He asked if I needed dirt. He said he was putting in a play area for his daughters, and he would have plenty to give me, and he wouldn't have to haul it away.He made it sound like I was doing him a favor.
The story doesn't end there. We were not even aware that he was bringing dirt over to me, but he and his wife were repairing storm damage that would've been expensive to have done. They weren't even seeking recognition, just being good neighbors.
The lesson through all of this is simple to anyone who has eyes to see. All of these Samaritans as I call them, are acting like real Christians should. You can't tell who the Samaritans are until you have a real need. This series of events really showed me that you and I can be Samaritans to someone else. It makes God happy, and blesses us. All I can say is, God does provide for all of our needs. God bless you and your family. Praise the Lord!
Remember Jesus Loves You
Prayer of Salvation
Lord Jesus, please forgive all of my sins, and come into my heart as my personal savior. I want to serve only you.
Praise the Lord!
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