Sunday, November 24, 2024

God's Promises Sunday

Look To Jesus

Hebrews 4:16, Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find Grace to help in time of need.

When you look at your mail, watch TV, or listen to the radio on the way to work you probably realize that we are being bombarded with all kinds of commercials or junk mail. Commercials are telling you about all types of miracle solutions to problems you didn’t even know you had. Kind of reminds me of a story about the old days with snake oil peddlers.

The advertisers get paid to prey on people’s problems. If no problem exists, they will create one in your mind. One product will take care of a memory problem you didn’t even know you had until they told you that you had one. Improve your eyesight, sleep better, cure all your ailments, Etc. One of the favorite targets is people who are overweight. There are a number of companies pedaling what sounds like a magic bullet. They claim that if you take their pills you can lose as much weight as you want without changing any bit of your lifestyle.

The only thing that gets better is a company’s bottom line. A few people do get better in their own minds, because they believe the product works, and that eliminates the fear that caused the problem in the first place.

1 Peter 5:7, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.

Well, my friends, I am here to tell you about a real cure for any problem you have. It won’t even cost you a penny. That solution is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. You see, God created you absolutely perfect in every way. Things started happening when satan messed everything up when he caused Adam and Eve to sin.

As you can imagine God was not very happy where that left man, so He sent His only Son to make everything right again. Jesus paid a heavy price to redeem us. He suffered, died and rose again in order to make us right with God.

The sad part is that many of us don’t realize what that meant to us. Through Jesus suffering and death, we again became what God created us to be. However, satan is still operating in this world. He’s still trying to sell you things he says will solve all your problems. The cost for what he is selling is eternal damnation.

Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on the other hand, will take care of all your problems. The cost? Believe and trust in Him. Besides receiving all He has for you, He also included eternal life. The Lord Jesus Christ is the real deal. Don’t fall for a cheap imitation. It is your choice, how you live and where you spend eternity. God bless you and your family. Praise The Lord!

Remember Jesus loves you.

Prayer of Salvation.

My Lord Jesus Christ, I thank you and Praise you for what you did on the cross for me. By your stripes I was healed, and your blood washed away my sins. Your death and resurrection made my salvation possible. I confess my sins, and I ask you to come into my heart as my personal savior. 


Praise The Lord!

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