Sunday, October 13, 2024

God's Promises Sunday


Romans 12:15, Rejoice with those who Rejoice, and weep with those who weep.

Galatians 6:2, bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.

Hebrew and Greek words for compassion define it as, have pity on, to deal gently with sympathy. How does Jesus feel about it? The Bible has a good deal to say about the subject.

We see people every day that to the carnal mind do not measure up to our standards. We need to start looking at people with spiritual eyes in this day and age and not carnal eyes. It is very easy to judge people. Anytime you drive you will find someone who’s not courteous, or he looks for change when he stops in a toll booth. The list goes on, healthy looking young people park in handicap spots. People leave grocery carts blocking parking spaces

We can name dozens of irritants we run into every day. The fact is they are irritants, not a matter of life and death. Unfortunately, you encounter this kind of stuff all the time.

The average person starts to judge and condemn everyone. The Bible says we are to have compassion. We don’t know what is behind anything that people do. As a matter of fact, it isn’t our business anyway. We didn’t create these people, so we cannot judge them. They may be ignorant, or maybe just don’t care, or maybe they’re troubled in some way. Just bless them and move on.

Proverbs 19:17, he who has pity on the poor lends to Lord, and He will pay back what he has given.

About a half a dozen times in my life I’ve been approached by people in parking lots of stores, and a couple of times at gas stations. They all had stories and needed money. I didn’t know if their stories were legitimate or not, so I helped each of them, whether they needed five or 20. I was led by the spirit to do this. After they left, I thought that if they were legitimate or not was between them and God. Do it for him.

You never know who really needs help. A good percentage of people are not working and aren’t able to help for one reason or another. We don’t know, and even if we did, let The Holy Spirit be your guide.

Some people are led by the devil and don’t even know it. A lot of them were brought up that way and don’t know how to be different. I believe if you helped 10 people and only one is in need, it’s better than denying all 10. You are following the Lord’s way, and He will reward you.

In any case bless them all with a clean heart and you are blessing yourself. Just remember the Lord has compassion on all of us, so we should have compassion on others. God bless you and your family. Praise The Lord!

Remember Jesus loves you.

Prayer of Salvation.

My Lord Jesus Christ, I thank you and Praise you for what you did on the cross for me. By your stripes I was healed, your blood washed away all my sins, and my salvation was made possible. I Repent of all my sins, and I ask you to come into my heart as my personal savior. I want to serve only you. 


Praise The Lord!

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