Though the fig trees should not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines, the produce of the olive fail, and the fields yield no food, the flock be cut off from the fold, and there being no herd in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will take joy in the God of my salvation.
It should come as no surprise to most Christians, that satan is working harder than ever to undermine our trust in God. satan knows that one of the most powerful flaws in people, is to complain. It is easy to find things to complain about, because satan makes everything look worse than it really is, and then hits us between the eyes with it.
Why does satan works so hard at trying to get us to complain? Because he knows it offends God.
Numbers 11:1-3
Now when the people complained, it displeased the Lord, for the Lord heard it, and His anger was aroused. So the fire of the Lord burned among them, and consumed some in the outskirts of the camp. Then the people cried out to Moses, and when Moses prayed to the Lord, the fire was quenched. So he called the name of the place Taberah, because the fire of the Lord had burned among them.
If we stumble once in a while, God will forgive us if we ask. When that happens, ask the Holy Spirit to guide you and give you strength. Make a conscious effort to look for the blessings in your life. Don't look just for material things that you can buy, look at things such as trees and flowers, birds, your health. Don't miss a chance to look at everything as a blessing.
The average person has a tendency to minimize or overlook the good and maximize the bad. satan is the key factor, but remember, God gave each of us the gift of choice. We decide who and what we follow. Remember when you live according to God's will, and give your day to Him, everything that happens that day is part of His plan, so no matter what happens during that day, it is part of God's plan for you. Thank Him for it with all your heart, regardless of what satan is trying to tell you.
Praising the Lord anyway, opens your heart and mind to doing it God's way, and being who you were created to be.
1Thessalonians 5:18-19
In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Do not quench the Spirit.
God bless you and your family. Praise the Lord!
Remember Jesus Loves You
Prayer of Salvation
Lord Jesus, please forgive all of my sins, and come into my heart as my personal savior. I want to serve only you.
Praise the Lord!
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